Field Locations

1242 Yardville Allentown Rd, Allentown, NJ 08501

HTRSA has purpose built fields for its use.  The fields offer 2 full size 11 v 11 fields or smaller 7 v 7 fields and 9 v 9 fields.  There is a dedicated space for small sided developmental use in a 4v4 or 5v5 setting.

The fields are for only available for recreational league games.

Complex Rules

  • No Pets
  • No non-players on soccer fields
  • Please pick up your trash
  • No kicking soccer balls against the fence
  • No climbing on fences, wooden or otherwise
  • No sitting behind goals while games are being played
  • Please sit only on the non-players area
  • Respect the signage. Do not ignore a sign, it applies to you
A satellite image of the HTRSA Complex with the fields labeled from 1 to 7